Creating User Accounts

User Accounts determine who can login to Data Manager and what their access level privileges are. You can setup an unlimited number of user accounts in Data Manager to allow different staff to login to Data Manager. You can also delete accounts when staff leave your company and reset passwords if someone has forgotten their password. To access the User Accounts management screen:

1. Go to the Data Manager Home Screen.

2. Click the User Accounts button and you will be presented with a summary list of the current Data Manager User Accounts:

To login to Data Manager each user will need to know their:

  1. Account Name: this is usually their full name (e.g. John Smith) and is comprised of their first name and surname that you enter into Data Manager when creating accounts (be careful not to enter any spaces after the first name and surname). This appears in red text when viewing the list of user accounts.

  2. Password: by default this is data and each user can change their own password via the My Account screen


About Access Privileges/Levels

There are 4 standard Access Levels in Data Manager that each User Account belongs to which determine what level of access they have to the different modules of Data Manager.

The 4 standard Access Level Privileges are:

  1. Restricted – the lowest Access Level with limited privileges. User Accounts can view data but not create or edit data.

  2. Data Entry – the standard Access Level for most users. Allows User Accounts to enter and edit data. Unable to delete Contact records. Suitable for most data entry staff.

  3. Export – has the same privileges as Sales but can also Export records from the Contacts database. Unable to delete Contact records.

  4. Master – the highest Access Level. Has the same privileges as Sales and can delete Contact records.


Viewing User Account Details

To view the full details about an existing user account click the Account Details button next to the user account and you will be taken to the following screen:

Here you can view/edit their account details as required. There are 2 tabs on this screen:

  1. Account Settings: general account settings such as their contact details. Note that you cannot change the First Name, Surname or Access Privileges as these are set when you first create the User Account. You can change the Access Privileges (see below) but if you need to change the First Name or Surname you will need to delete the user account and create a new one.

  2. Email Sending Preferences: email sending specific settings (text email signatures and email stationery settings)

To return to the list of User Accounts click the Accounts List View button.


Creating a New Data Manager Account

To create a new Data Manager User Account click the New Account button at the top of the screen and you will be presented with the following dialog box:

Important: you must enter a First Name, Surname and select an Access Level! These 3 fields are compulsory for creating new user accounts. You can enter as much of the additional field as you like, and these can be updated at any time in the future.


Changing Access Privileges for an Existing Data Manager Account

As described above there are 4 standard Access Levels in Data Manager that each User Account is a member of. The Access Level determines the privileges for the User Account, for example whether they are able to create records, delete records etc.

To change the Access Privileges for an existing Data Manager User Account first make sure that the user does not have Data Manager open, then click the Change Access button next to the user account. You will be presented with a dialog box to select the new Access Level for the selected User Account. Once you have selected the new Access Level click OK to update the Access Level for the selected account. The user can now login to Data Manager with the new Access Level.

Important: you cannot change the Access Level for the User Account that you are currently logged into Data Manager with. For example if you login to Data Manager using the John Smith User Account you cannot change the Access Level for that User Account. You will need to login using a different User Account to the one you wish to change.


Resetting an Existing Data Manager Account Password

If a user has forgotten their Data Manager password you will need to reset this password for them so they can login and change it again. Databuzz is unable to retrieve passwords as they are stored in an encrypted manner. You can only reset the password if you cannot remember it.

To reset the password for an existing Data Manager User Account click the Reset Password button next to the user account. The password for the selected account will be reset to the default password - data. The user can then login with that User Account again and change their password after they login.

Important: Passwords in Data Manager are case sensitive but Account Names are not. If you are having trouble logging in with what you believe is the correct password make sure you are entering it in the correct case or that the CAPS LOCK key is not on. For example "SMITH" and "smith" are NOT the same when entering a password.


Deleting an Existing Data Manager Account

To delete an existing Data Manager User Account click the Delete (Person Icon with Red X) button next to the user account. You will be given a confirmation warning before the account is deleted.

Important: once a User Account is deleted that person cannot login to Data Manager!