fmMMS Now Supports Sending WhatsApp Messages with the Vonage Messages API

fmMMS, our FileMaker solution that lets you send and receive MMS messages from the Claris FileMaker Platform, has just been updated to support sending messages to WhatsApp users via the Vonage Messages API. This is the second MMS Gateway that you can use to send and receive WhatsApp messages with fmMMS (v1.0 of fmMMS supported sending WhatsApp message using the Twilio Gateway).

More than 2 billion people in over 180 countries use WhatsApp to stay in touch with friends and family and with WhatsApp Business you can communicate directly with your customers. You can send notifications, customer service messages, and essential information your customers need on WhatsApp.

fmMMS supports sending WhatsApp Message Templates using the Vonage API for WhatsApp – being able to send WhatsApp Message Templates is important if you wish to initiate new conversations with your customer.

fmMMS also supports testing using the Vonage Messages API Sandbox – this allows you to test sending WhatsApp messages for free whilst you are developing an integration with WhatsApp. It also works with free trial version of fmMMS.

You can download a trial version of fmMMS to test with the Vonage API for WhatsApp from here. More information on sending WhatsApp message with the Vonage Messages API with fmMMS is available on our support site.

fmSMS Now Supports Sending WhatsApp Templates with the Vonage Messages API

Earlier this year we updated fmSMS, our FileMaker solution for sending and receiving SMS messages from the Claris FileMaker Platform, to support sending messages to WhatsApp users via the Vonage Messages API. We’ve just realised a minor update to this integration to now also support sending WhatsApp Message Templates using the Vonage API for WhatsApp.

WhatsApp divides messages into two different types: Template messages and Session messages. These determine when you can initiate a message to a WhatsApp user.

WhatsApp has a concept of a 24 hour customer care window, during which a business can freely message an end user. The 24 hour window can be initiated in two ways:

  • An end user sends a message to the business
  • A business sends a templated message to the end user. The 24 hour window starts as soon as the end user replies.

Templates must be approved by WhatsApp before they can be used to send messages to an end user. When the 24 hour window expires, a new 24 hour customer care window must be initiated again. Being able to send WhatsApp Message Templates is important if you wish to initiate new conversations with your customer.

You can download a trial version of fmSMS to test with the Vonage Messages API from the Databuzz website. More information on sending WhatsApp message with the Vonage Messages API and fmSMS is available on our support site.

FileMaker Pro 2024 Now Supports Local Notifications

I’ve written previously about generating local notifications from FileMaker Pro (for example when a new incoming SMS has been received) which use AppleScript to create the notifications. The use of AppleScript had a number of limitations: this was limited to macOS users and didn’t support performing a FileMaker script when the user clicked the notification, and also required the fmextscriptaccess extended privilege to be enabled.

In FileMaker 17 Claris introduced the Configure Local Notification script step which allowed you to display a local notification alert on a device when FileMaker Go is either in the background or is not running. The notifications would appear like other iOS notifications on your iPhone or iPad:

The release last month of FileMaker 2024 included a couple of important updates to the Configure Local Notification script step:

  • it now supports creating local notifications in FileMaker Pro (as well as FileMaker Go)
  • it can now display a notification when FileMaker Go is in the foreground (FileMaker Go only) by using the new Show when app in foreground option

This means FileMaker developers can now generate local notifications on both macOS and Windows without needing to use any third party technology such as AppleScript or a FileMaker plug-in. These notifications are great for letting users know when certain processes have finished.

I’ve been using the Perform Script On Server with Callback script step that was first introduced with FileMaker 2023 (v20) a lot recently – it’s a great way to offload long processes to the server and continue to work in FileMaker Pro but also be notified when the server script has finished. Previously I would set my Callback script to use a Custom Dialog box to let the user know when the server script had finished and if there were any errors. With FileMaker Pro 21 I can now change these to use local notifications which are cleaner and don’t require any interaction from the user and allow me to run a script when users click the notification.

On Windows these appear in the bottom right where other Windows notifications appear:

and on macOS these appear in the top right hadn’t corner where other macOS notifications appear:

Here’s a short video showing this in action (you can also watch this on YouTube here):

fmMMS Now Supports Guni MMS Gateway

fmMMS, our FileMaker solution that lets you send and receive MMS messages from the Claris FileMaker Platform, has just been updated to include support for the Guni MMS Gateway based in Australia. With fmMMS and Guni you can send and receive MMS messages to Australian mobile numbers.

You can download a trial version of fmMMS to test with the Guni MMS Gateway from here. More information on using the Guni Gateway with fmMMS is available on our support site.

fmSMS, our FileMaker solution for sending and receiving SMS messages from the Claris FileMaker Platform, has also been updated to support the Guni SMS Gateway.

fmSMS Now Supports Guni SMS Gateway

fmSMS, our FileMaker solution for sending and receiving SMS messages from the Claris FileMaker Platform, has been updated to support the Guni SMS Gateway based in Australia.

The Guni SMS Gateway delivers SMS messages to Australian mobile numbers – their 2000+ customers are increasing sales, improving customer engagement, simplifying customer support and reducing no-shows with Guni’s easy-to-use SMS Gateway & MMS Gateway, 2-way messages, appointment reminders and API integration.

Guni also support sending MMS messages and fmMMS, our FileMaker solution that lets you send and receive MMS messages from the Claris FileMaker Platform, has also been updated to include support for the Guni MMS Gateway.

You can download a trial version of fmSMS to test with the Guni SMS Gateway from the from the Databuzz website. You can signup for a free trial and receive 30 free SMS credits to start testing (no credit card required). More information on using the Guni Gateway with fmSMS is available on our support site.

Databuzz Sponsors Reconnect.Brisbane Conference

Databuzz is pleased to once again sponsor the Reconnect Claris FileMaker Developer conference in 2024. Reconnect.Brisbane is on from 5-6 September 2024 at the Marriott Hotel in Brisbane.

The Launch Special tickets have almost sold out, so if you want to take advantage of the cheapest tickets before the price goes up head to the Reconnect.Brisbane website to purchase your tickets today.

In addition to the 2 days of conference sessions there will also be some pre-conference training courses led by industry experts Alexis Allen and David Head:

  • UI Design Workshop: Mastering Modern Design Principles (Alexis Allen)
  • FileMaker Masterclass: New Features in Action (David Head)

This is a great opportunity to expand your skills and knowledge in FileMaker development. You can get more information about these courses and register your interest on the Reconnect.Brisbane website here.

Changes to the Shopify Product APIs

Earlier this month Shopify announced that the 2024-04 stable API release includes the new GraphQL product APIs that can support up to 2,000 variants per product. Previously the number of variants and options were fixed at 100 and 3. Our fmEcommerce Link (Shopify Edition) solution has only ever used the REST product APIs (not the GraphQL APIs) and only supports custom apps, so it would appear that these changes would have no impact on the fmEcommerce Link solution.

However Shopify announced at the same time that they are also deprecating the REST product APIs. This means that the REST product APIs are in maintenance mode; all new features and support will be built only for the new GraphQL product APIs. Everything will continue to work as it currently does and nothing will break, but developers should expect that the GraphQL API will be the only supported API over the long term.

This means that we will need to update the fmEcommerce Link solution to switch from using the current REST product APIs to the GraphQL product APIs. Over the next few months we will explore the changes required to switch from the REST product APIs to the GraphQL product APIs. We’re hoping the impact will be minimal and a case of simply updating the FileMaker scripts that make API requests related to products and variants.

We will be updating the fmEcommerce Link (Shopify Edition) v2 solution with these changes, so any customer that has purchased fmEcommerce Link (Shopify Edition) v2 and has a current maintenance plan will automatically receive access to the updated version. All fmEcommerce Link (Shopify Edition) customers receive 12 months of free updates – you can purchase an additional 12 months of updates from our online store if you original 12 months of updates has expired and you have not purchased another year of maintenance updates. If you’re not sure when access to free updates expires please get in touch and we will confirm your expiry date.

As the current REST product APIs are still supported by Shopify everything will continue to work as it currently does and there is no urgent need to update to the GraphQL API in the short term.

You can get more information about migrating to the new product model on the Shopify website here.

fmSMS Now Supports Sending WhatsApp Messages with the Vonage Messages API

fmSMS, our FileMaker solution for sending and receiving SMS messages from the Claris FileMaker Platform, has been updated to support sending messages to WhatsApp users via the Vonage Messages API. This is the second SMS Gateway that you can use to send and receive WhatsApp messages with fmSMS – we previously added support for sending WhatsApp message using the Twilio Gateway back in 2019.

More than 2 billion people in over 180 countries use WhatsApp to stay in touch with friends and family and with WhatsApp Business you can communicate directly with your customers. You can send notifications, customer service messages, and essential information your customers need on WhatsApp.

fmSMS also supports testing using the Vonage Messages API Sandbox – this allows you to test sending WhatsApp messages for free whilst you are developing an integration with WhatsApp. It also works with free trial version of fmSMS.

You can download a trial version of fmSMS to test with the Vonage Messages API from the Databuzz website. More information on sending WhatsApp message with the Vonage Messages API and fmSMS is available on our support site.

Apple Maps Integration with the Claris FileMaker Platform

Every few years I like to generate a map of Databuzz customers to get visual sense of where they are located around the world. It’s been while since I last did this and blogged about it – the most recent one was in 2018 when I generated a map of our fmAccounting Link (Xero Edition) customers after Xero had passed the 1 million subscriber mark (they now have 3.945 million subscribers and are on track to break the 4 million subscriber mark in 2024).

Databuzz has released a number of new FileMaker integration products since 2018 and I was curious to see how many countries our customers were located in now. Back in 2017 fmSMS was our most popular product and our last map showed we had customers in Australia, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, North America and Europe.

Previously I’ve used the Google Maps API to geocode the customer addresses and create a map with multiple markers showing their location. This process is all automated using FileMaker scripts so it usually only takes a few minutes.

Over the past couple of years I’ve worked on a number of Apple Maps integrations using Apple’s MapKit JS and was also lucky enough to be invited to do a presentation on Apple Maps Integration at the recent EngageU European Claris FileMaker conference in Antwerp, Belgium. The video of my presentation has just become available on YouTube.

I’ve been wanting to write an article on integrating Apple Maps and MapKit JS with the FileMaker Platform so I decided to switch to using Apple Maps for this exercise.

Comparing Google Maps and MapKit JS

It’s hard to do a like-for-like comparison of the Google Maps API and MapKit JS as their billing models and included usage are different. Like the Google Maps API Apple’s MapKit JS allows you to geocode addresses, which is the process of converting an address into the latitude and longitude coordinates required for generating the markers for the map. To get started with MapKit JS you’ll need an Apple Developer Program membership (99 USD per membership year or your local equivalent). This allows you to generate 250,000 map views and 25,000 service calls (used for geocoding) per day which is usually enough for most FileMaker integrations. Both APIs use JavaScript as the programming language so knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript certainly helps.

Here’s a slide from my EngageU presentation comparing MapKit JS and Google Maps at a high level:

Google Maps does require a credit card to be stored in your billing account but your usage might remain in the free monthly tier so you won’t incur any billable charges. MapKit JS requires a paid Apple Developer Program membership regardless of how many maps your generate each year.

I’m not going to go into the steps to generate the credentials required to start generating maps using MapKit JS – these are covered on the Apple Developer website here – but they include:

  • create a Maps ID
  • create a Maps Private Key
  • generate a JWT (JSON Web Token) – make a note of the expiry date
  • generate an access token required for geocoding

The JWT and access token can all be generated using native FileMaker script steps and functions so you can be up and running in a matter of minutes. You can then use the FileMaker Web Viewer to start generating maps using MapKit JS – here’s some examples:

Single Address

This shows a single address at the centre of the map without any markers and uses the Coordinate Span parameter to indicate the desired zoom level of the map:

Single Address With Marker

Like Google Maps MapKit JS can show markers at the location of the geocode – the default is a red balloon with a white pin icon inside the balloon. This shows a map of a single address with the red marker and a Title below the marker that was passed in as a parameter from a FileMaker field:

The colour of the marker can also be changed by passing in a parameter – here’s the same map with a purple marker:

You can also change the default white pin icon to another graphic using unicode characters. Here’s a map of Bondi Beach with a yellow colour marker and a surfer icon generated from the 1F3C4 unicode characters:

Single Address With Marker and Callout

In addition to displaying a marker with a title and customising the appearance of the marker you can also add a callout to the marker which acts like a FileMaker Pro popover when you click on the marker:

In the example shown above I’m showing a callout that displays data from the record that has been clicked on so you can dynamically control the content of the callout. We’ve also built integrations where the callout contains links – for example a company’s website or a link back to the FileMaker record to view more details etc.

Multiple Addresses/Markers

As well as mapping single addresses you can map multiple addresses/geocodes. After importing my customer addresses and running a FileMaker script to geocode them using the MapKit API I created a map with a marker for each customer:

We now have customers in 38 unique countries and most of the states in the USA! Here’s the same customer map showing a white balloon with the country flag:

Directions Between 2 Locations

In addition to mapping a single address or a found set of addresses you can also use MapKit JS to generate directions between 2 locations. Here’s a map showing the walking route between 2 addresses:

If you would like to discuss integrating Apple Maps using MapKit JS with your FileMaker solution please get in touch to arrange a free consultation and discuss your requirements.

Let’s Reconnect at Reconnect.Brisbane 2024

The Reconnect Claris FileMaker Developer conference is happening again in 2024. After the success of Reconnect.Sydney last year we’re excited to announce that Reconnect.Brisbane is now confirmed for 5 – 6 September 2024 at the Marriott Hotel in Brisbane.

The same group of Claris Partners that organised Reconnect.Sydney have been busy over the past few months working with Claris to finalise the dates and venue for Reconnect.Brisbane.

A fantastic social event has also been confirmed for the Thursday night at Customs House overlooking the Brisbane river and the Story Bridge. Claris are also returning as the premier sponsor of the event and this year we will have a speaker from Claris in the USA in-person.

We’re in the early stages of planning the content and are hoping to attract some speakers from Europe and the USA.

Tickets are on sale now – get in early to take advantage of the early bird specials:

Reconnect.Brisbane will be the only official Claris FileMaker Developer conference in the APAC region in 2024 so don’t miss out as tickets are limited. This is not just an event for the APAC region – we’d love to see attendees from all over the world. Spring temperatures in Brisbane are 15 – 25°C (59 – 77°F) so if you’re looking for an excuse to escape the northern hemisphere winter, visit Australia and learn about the Claris platform we have the perfect event for you.

We will be adding more content to the website over the coming weeks, including hotel discount details and updates about the confirmed speakers. If you are interested sponsoring Reconnect.Brisbane we have a sponsors page on the website with further details of the available sponsorship packages available.