FileMaker Custom Integrations
The Reconnect.Brisbane Claris FileMaker Developer conference gets underway tomorrow in Brisbane and it’s shaping up to be a great conference. With attendees from 9 countries and sponsors from 6 countries it’s going to have a real international flavour this year.
Databuzz is pleased to once again sponsor the Reconnect conference and I’ll be doing a short sponsor presentation where I’ll showcase our FileMaker integration solutions and also talk a little bit about some interesting custom integration projects we’ve worked on over the past year.
In addition to developing our integration solutions we work with customers all around the world helping them integrate their FileMaker solutions with a variety of platforms including:

Over the past 12 months we’ve worked on some interesting and challenging integration projects – here’s a summary of some of these:

Microsoft Office 365 – this integration involved working with the Microsoft Graph API to download emails from Office 365 so these could be viewed within FileMaker. We created a solution to download the emails from Office 365 and view them using a Web Viewer as well as any associated attachments. Webhooks were setup to receive notifications for new messages which triggered a FileMaker Server script to download the new messages.

GitHub – a client was using GitHub, the popular platform for software developers to manage code, version control etc, for tracking issues for their yacht including maintenance tasks. We helped integrate their customer FileMaker solution with GitHub so they could download issues from GitHub, edit these in FileMaker and upload edited issues and new ones with attachments to GitHub.

Amazon Business APIs – we worked with a charter school organisation in the USA to connect FileMaker with the Amazon Business APIs. This involved downloading Products from Amazon in bulk and creating Orders in Amazon and tracking these from FileMaker.

Macquarie Bank DEFT API – a client wanted to integrate with the Macquarie Bank DEFT API to generate welcome emails for DEFT registration, download Direct Debit Authorities, create new payments, search for transactions and more.

Cin7 – a client was using the Cin7 inventory management software and wanted to download sales orders and customers from Cin7 into their custom FileMaker solution for reporting. A FileMaker Server script schedule was created to download new orders from Cin7 weekly and upload those to their FileMaker solution.
If you’re attending Reconnect.Brisbane please come and say hello. Attendees will receive a discount coupon for 20% off all our integration solutions from our online store and one lucky attendee will win a free company license to one of our products as well.
I’ll also be co-presenting the Tips, Tricks, and Opinions you can’t ignore session after lunch on the 2nd day with Nicholas Orr from Goya where I’ll share some of my top time saving tips for faster FileMaker development.